Rabu, 13 Mei 2015


Causative verb adalah kata kerja yang digunakan ketika kita menginginkan orang lain melakukan suatu tindakan dan subject tidak bertanggungjawab langsung terhadap aksi yang terjadi. 

Memerintah orang lain biasanya menggunakan kata order/command (memerintahkan). Tapi dalam causative verb menggunakan kata kerja Get yang umumnya diartikan mendapatkan, Have yang biasa diartikan memiliki/telah, dan Make yang biasa diartikan membuat.

Rumus causative verb terbagi menjadi active dan Passive:
  1. Active Sentence
    Masing-masing causative verb mempunyai grammarnya sendiri:
    1. Have/Make.
      Rumus: Subject + Have/Has + Infinitive/V1.

    2. Let.
      Rumus: Let + Objek + Infinitive/V1.

    3. Get.
      Rumus: Subject + Get + O + to Infinitive/V1.

  2. Passive Sentence.
    Rumus causative dalam bentuk passive rumusnya sama. Hanya let saja yang tidak memiliki bentuk passive.
    Rumus: S + Have/Make/Get + O + V3.
Contoh kalimat Causative Verbs
    1. My teacher make me do my home work
    2. She has me come to her house right now.
    3. Never let her go, or you will regret forever.
    4. I get you to like this explanation.
    5. She has her car fixed.
    6. I have the speaker loaded.
    7. I make this house cleaned.
    8. Alfonso makes Stephanus killed.
    9. Do you get your clothes washed?
    10. Greysia gets her hair cut.
    11. Patricia had her friend take her result test.
    12. The woman made her daughter eat up the tomatoes
    13. The manager makes her staff work hard.
    14. My father lets me choose my own future carrier.
    15. He had his book returned as soon as possible.


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